/ Works /

On the thought of death, 30.30.25 cm, ceramic, 2021
Genesis of the Sugarman, 46.40.20 cm, ceramic, 2021

A true love story, 23.15.10 cm, ceramic, 2021

Muhammad Agha daydreams of the time when he was a peacock, ceramic, 22.22.35 cm, 2023

Beheaded Holy Plant, 120.40.40 cm, ceramic, 2020

The feast, 13.29.35 cm, ceramics, 2022

The fertile crescent, 17.54.33 cm, ceramics, 2022

The Scream of Lady Orchid, ceramic, 2021

 The Wizard of Oz flag, 60.60.60 cm, ceramic, batik painting, 2021

Unified forces, 95.115 cm, batik painting, 2021

Messing around,30.30 cm, textile, batik painting, Ebrubad, leather, 2022

The struggling twins, 28.26cm ,ceramic, 2016

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